
Visitors & Speakers Bureau

SCAQMDTake a Tour Day

South Coast AQMD offers a free public tour of our headquarters on the last Friday of the month at 9:30 am or 1:30 pm. Tours vary depending on the availability of resources, but may include a presentation on South Coast AQMD, and a visit to our state-of-the art laboratory.

Reservations are required at least four (4) weeks in advance for the South Coast AQMD Take a Tour Day.  Private tours on alternative dates may be accommodated based upon staff and resource availability. 

Please complete and return a Speaker and Tour Request Form (PDF) to:

Email[email protected] 

Tour Days may be canceled due to resource constraints, but South Coast AQMD will make every effort to accommodate requests.  Thank you for your interest.

Speakers Bureau

South Coast AQMD's Speakers Bureau can bring an expert to your school or civic organization to provide information on the agency and air quality issues.  Our diverse workforce of scientists, engineers, inspectors, chemists, lawyers and outreach staff can provide you with a presentation on a variety of air quality topics.

Please contact us with at least four (4) weeks notice to request a speaker by completing and returning a Visiting Dignitary, Speaker & Tour Request Form (PDF).

Email:  [email protected] 

Due to the high volume of requests, South Coast AQMD may not be able to fulfill every Speaker's Bureau Request, but every effort will be made to try to do so.  Thank you for your interest.  

More Information

Call 909-396-2432 or email to [email protected].  

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District