December 20, 2024. Cumulative Impacts from Air Toxics for CEQA Projects. All the files here are the calculations and modeling files supporting the new criterion number 1 in the proposed Cumulative Impacts from Air Toxics for CEQA Projects This folder contains the following files and their purposes: 1.Modeling Files - All Met Stations.Zip Description: This folder contains modeling data for 26 meteorological (met) stations. Includes AERMOD modeling performed for each met station. The modeling calculates the number of truck trips corresponding to each met station's data. 2. Proposed Revised CR#1 Calculations - SCAQMD.pdf This PDF contains two pages detailing CR#1 calculations using specific parameters and modeling tools. Page 1: CR#1 using a Weighted Average (WA) of 0.02 and a distance of 1000 meters. Page 2: EMFAC2021 ER-202xClass-SC modeling results. Explains calculations for WA based on vehicle types using EMFAC modeling.