
2016 AQMP White Papers

Key topics for better integration of major planning issues regarding air quality, climate, energy, transportation, and business needs

As part of the development of the 2016 AQMP, a series of ten White Papers on key topics have been developed.  These papers provide for better integration of major planning issues regarding air quality, climate, energy, transportation, and business needs.  Each White Paper had a specific Working Group that generally met monthly until the White Paper was completed.  2016 AQMP Advisory Group members and recommended technical experts voluntarily participated in White Paper Working Group meetings.  While not subject to the Brown Act, the information regarding the White Paper Working Group meetings have been publicly posted and the meetings were open to the public. The development of the papers began early Summer 2014 and the last paper completed in 2015.

Eight of the white papers were made available and comment included before being "received and filed" at the October 2, 2015 Governing Board meeting. Similarly, the Energy Outlook White Paper and the Industrial Facility Modernization White Paper was "received and filed"  at November 6, 2015 and December 4, 2015 Governing Board meetings, respectively.  All versions can be accessed from the table below, and any comments or questions can be directed to Michael Krause at [email protected]

(October /November/December 2015

Revised Draft Final Energy Outlook and 
Draft Industrial Facility Modernization

(Released Nov 6, 2015)  


  1. Blueprint for Clean Air (PDF, 4M)

  2. PM Controls (PDF, 4M)

  3. VOC Controls (PDF, 3M)

  4. Passenger Transportation (PDF, 2M)

  5. Goods Movement (PDF, 2M)

  6. Off-Road Equipment (PDF, 2M)

  7. Residential and Commercial Energy (PDF, 3M)

  8. A Business Case for Clean Air Strategies (PDF, 2M)

  9. Energy Outlook (PDF, 5M)

  10. Industrial Facility Modernization (PDF, 2M)

   1. Energy Outlook (PDF, 4M)
   2. Industrial Facility Modernization (PDF, 2M)


Revised Draft Finals
(and Draft Final Energy Outlook)
(Released Oct 2, 2015)

Draft Finals
(Released Sept 4, 2015) 


  1. Blueprint for Clean Air (PDF, 4M)

  2. PM Controls (PDF, 4M)

  3. VOC Controls (PDF, 3M)

  4. Passenger Transportation (PDF, 3M)

  5. Goods Movement (PDF, 2.6M)

  6. Off-Road Equipment (PDF, 2M)

  7. Residential and Commercial Energy (PDF, 3.7M)

  8. A Business Case for Clean Air Strategies (PDF, 2M)

  9. Energy Outlook (PDF, 4M)


  1. Blueprint for Clean Air (PDF, 2.5M)

  2. PM Controls (PDF, 4M)

  3. VOC Controls (PDF, 3M)

  4. Passenger Transportation (PDF, 3M)

  5. Goods Movement (PDF, 2.6M)

  6. Off-Road Equipment (PDF, 2M)

  7. Residential and Commercial Energy (PDF, 3.5M)

  8. A Business Case for Clean Air Strategies (PDF, 2M)


 Comment Letters Received

Please use the following links to get more information regarding the individual white papers (you may also click on the links at the top of this page): 


Michael Krause
[email protected]
(909) 396-2706
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21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



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