Hearing Board Meeting - Nov. 8-9, 2017:
Status Report and Modification of the Order for Abatement (PDF) condition prohibiting the disposal of waste at the landfill between the hours of 6 am and 9 am weekdays and Saturdays.
Town Hall Meeting - August 18, 2016
On Thursday, August 18, 2016, South Coast AQMD held a Town Hall Meeting to discuss air quality and odor issues related to Sunshine Canyon Landfill located in Sylmar. The meeting included an update on the Petition for Order for Abatement filed by South Coast AQMD and an overview of a possible hearing schedule as well as a question and answer session with panel members.
Highlights of the presentation to the community (Town Hall Presentation [PDF, 1.0 mb]) included discussion of:
Town Hall Meeting - June 9, 2016
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) hosted a follow-up town hall meeting at Van Gogh Elementary School on June 9, 2016 to provide feedback to local community members about the next steps to be taken by South Coast AQMD to address air quality and odor issues related to Sunshine Canyon Landfill (SCL). The meeting also featured an opportunity for community members to ask questions of and share concerns with South Coast AQMD staff. Highlights of the presentation to the community (2016-06-09 THM - Sunshine Canyon Landfill, PDF) included discussion of:
South Coast AQMD activities associated with an air toxics monitoring study to be undertaken by Sonoma Technologies Inc. for the City of Los Angeles;
Two interagency working group meetings led by South Coast AQMD involving the SCL Local Enforcement Agency (LEA), the City of LA Planning Department and Bureau of Sanitation, and LA County Departments of Public Works and Public Health; and
South Coast AQMD will seek the issuance of an Order for Abatement (OA) by the South Coast AQMD Hearing Board, an independent quasi-judicial panel, to pursue SCL to take corrective action on a specified schedule to expeditiously remedy the public odor nuisance. Among the conditions to be pursued are:
Changing the landfill’s hours of operation during which trash is accepted
Reducing the daily trash tonnage limit at the landfill
Use of Alternative Daily Cover and implementation of improved intermediate cover
Dewatering of wells and analysis of well integrity and landfill gas collection efficiency
Improved odor management practices at the working face and transfer stations
It was stated that the public hearing would be held on a Saturday in the community to provide the public an opportunity to provide testimony.
Town Hall Meeting - April 21, 2016
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) hosted a town hall meeting at Van Gogh Elementary School on April 21, 2016 to discuss air quality and odor issues related to Sunshine Canyon Landfill (SCL). A presentation (SCL - Town Hall Meeting 04-21-2016, PDF) was made about South Coast AQMD activities associated with SCL, including possible sources of odor on site, complaint response and enforcement actions, air quality monitoring activities, and improvements made in SCL’s permitted landfill gas collection system, as well as health impacts from air monitoring data. The meeting featured an opportunity for local community members to ask questions of and share concerns with South Coast AQMD staff.
During the meeting, South Coast AQMD staff shared that the agency will:
Continue to audit emissions reports and refine emissions reporting guidance for landfills
Work with the City of LA on upcoming toxics monitoring study
Conduct Inter-Agency Work Group Meetings to coordinate mitigation of odor related issues
Implement additional stricter operational measures to address both trash and landfill gas odors
Continue complaint response and enforcement presence
Continue to provide and update information about Sunshine Canyon Landfill on the South Coast AQMD website
More Information
South Coast AQMD Public Advisor
(909) 396-2432
[email protected]