The BACT Guidelines consist of the following elements:
Cover Page, Table of Contents and Index (PDF, 273kb)
Overview (PDF, 479kb)
Part A - Policy and Procedures for Major Polluting Facilities (PDF, 208kb)
Part A of the BACT Guidelines explains what BACT is, why it is required, when it is required, and how it is determined for major polluting facilities. Persons who want to learn about BACT and the BACT process for major polluting facilities should start by reading Part A.
The current Part B began in March 1999 with listings for only boilers, degreasers, and spray booths. As new permits are issued, they will be added to the current Part B, which includes three sections:
Part C - Policy and Procedures for Non-Major Polluting Facilities (PDF, 598kb)
Part C of the BACT Guidelines explains what BACT is, why it is required, when it is required, and how it is determined for non-major polluting facilities. Persons who want to learn about BACT and the BACT process for non-major polluting facilities should start by reading Part C.
- Search by Publish Date or Equipment/Process Category or Subcategory
- Complete Part D Manual (PDF, 1043kb)
Part D of the BACT Guidelines provides the BACT requirements for more than 100 different categories of equipment.
In September 2011, the South Coast AQMD Governing Board adopted an air quality-related energy policy to help guide a unified approach to reducing air pollution while addressing key concerns such as environmental justice, climate change and energy independence. This policy does not add any new South Coast AQMD regulations or mandates nor does it confer any added authority to the agency. It outlines 10 policies and 10 action steps to assist meeting federal health-based standards for air quality in the South Coast Air Basin while also promoting the development of zero- and near-zero emission technologies. Best Available Control Technology is referenced in Policy #7.
- South Coast AQMD Energy Policy
If you have any questions, comments, or wish to receive documents, please contact: [email protected]