NEW Portable Wood Chipper Permit Requirement Advisory (PDF) to Owners/ Operators of a wood chipper. On May 5, 2017, the South Coast AQMD Governing Board adopted amendments to Rule 219, clarifying permit exemptions.
The Portable Equipment Registration Program
(PERP) is a statewide program created by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to register portable equipment as an alternative to securing permits from local air quality control districts. PERP registered equipment may operate throughout the state without obtaining permits to operate from any of California's 35 air quality management or air pollution control districts.
Generally portable engines over 50 hp and portable equipment units that emit particulate matter cannot be operated within the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District without either a South Coast AQMD Permit to Operate, or PERP Registration. In some cases, portable equipment may be ineligible for PERP registration, leaving the South Coast AQMD permit as the only option.
Whether registered under PERP or permitted by South Coast AQMD, the responsibility for inspection of portable equipment and enforcement of applicable clean air requirements resides with South Coast AQMD.
South Coast AQMD Permit or PERP?
The most significant difference is that PERP allows the freedom to operate portable engines and portable equipment units anywhere in the state without the need to obtain separate permits from each air quality district. Highlights of each program are summarized in the table below.
South Coast AQMD Permit
PERP Registration
Renewal Cycle
Limited to South Coast AQMD (PDF)
State of California
Residence Time
> 12 months
< 12 months
Set by South Coast AQMD
Set by CARB
Enforcement Agency
South Coast AQMD
South Coast AQMD
Inspection Frequency
Yearly unannounced
Arranged every 3 years
For more information about the PERP Program, contact CARB at 916-324-5869 or visit their website.
NOTICE: Effective immediately, the California ARB will no longer accept PERP applications and renewal invoice payments via fax due to security issues with credit card numbers transmitted by this method. Please mail them directly to the address listed on the application form and renewal invoice.