
Off-Road Compression-Ignition Equipment - Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE)

Propulsion engines on mobile off-road equipment located at ports and intermodal railyards are eligible for CMP funding, with limitations. Off-road heavy-duty equipment/engines include, but are not limited to, construction equipment, agricultural tractors, marine engines, ship-side shore power, cargo-handling equipment and locomotive equipment. Portable equipment and transport refrigeration unit (TRU) replacement projects are now eligible for funding under the 2024 CMP Guidelines.

Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) Electrification:

Cargo handling equipment fleets must be fully compliant with CARB’s Regulation for Cargo Handling Equipment at Ports and Intermodal Rail Yards in order to be eligible for CMP funding. Applicants must provide a copy of their most recent CARB Compliance Plan to document compliance with the regulation.

Existing diesel-powered RTG cranes or diesel-powered CHE (i.e., yard trucks, lifts, etc.) operating at a seaport, intermodal railyard, or freight facility are eligible for CMP funding to offset costs to electrify this equipment. Projects utilizing regulatory extensions are not eligible for funding.

CHE Electrification – RTG Cranes:

The CMP allows funding to convert or replace existing diesel-powered RTG cranes to zero-emission power systems. Eligible costs may include the purchase of a new crane or installation of a zero-emission engine, necessary parts for an existing RTG crane including directly related vehicle modifications, and infrastructure to supply electrical power, utility construction, and costs associated with increasing the capacity of electrical power to the crane. Ineligible costs include design, engineering, consulting, environmental review, legal fees, permits, licenses and associated fees, metered costs, insurance, operation, maintenance and repair.

CHE Electrification – Other:

The CMP allows funding to convert or replace an existing CHE with a zero-emission propulsion system. Eligible costs may include the purchase of a zero-emission unit. Ineligible costs include license, registration, taxes (other than federal excise and sales tax), insurance, operation, maintenance and repair.

Maximum Funding:

Maximum funding is 85% when repowering to a zero-emission system and 80% for complete equipment replacement. In addition to these maximum funding levels, all projects must not exceed the cost-effectiveness limits as specified in the 2024 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines.

How to Apply:

Please check our main webpage regularly for updates on future funding opportunities and solicitations and/or sign-up for our e-newsletter to receive information on incentive programs. 

Useful Links and Resources:

  • Links to CARB Rules that Affect CMP Eligibility (please check the appropriate website for applicable CARB regulation and compliance dates):

CARB Rules

Cargo Handling Equipment to external website.

For additional CMP information on Cargo Handling Equipment Electrification, please contact project officer Greg Ushijima at (909) 396-3301 or by email at [email protected].

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