
Carl Moyer Program Projects

Links to Board-Approved Carl Moyer Program Projects



December 6, 2024- Item #4 

Execute Contracts to Implement Zero-Emission Infrastructure Projects under Carl Moyer and Community Air Protection Programs

 August 2, 2024 - Item #4

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds for FY 2023-24 Carl Moyer State Reserve, Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program and Clean Cars 4 All, Reimburse General Funds for Administrative Costs, Issue Program Announcement, Amend Carl Moyer Program Awards and Execute Contract to Deploy Zero Emission Equipment


May 3, 2024 - Item #6 

Recognize Revenue, Transfer Funds, Execute Contract for Electrification of Balboa Island Ferries and Installation of Supporting Charging Infrastructure, and Reimburse General Fund for Administrative Costs 

February 2, 2024 - Item #6 

Execute Contracts, Adopt Resolutions to Recognize Funds and Reimburse General Fund to Implement Year 25 & 26 Carl Moyer, SOON, FARMER and Community Air Protection Programs, and Appropriate Funds for Development of Carl Moyer Program Grant Management System  

 December 1, 2023 - Item #5

Issue Program Announcement and Executive Agreements for Zero-Emission Infrastructure Projects

June 2, 2023 - Item #5

Adopt Resolution, Recognize Funds for FY 2022-23 Carl Moyer State Reserve, Enhanced Fleet Modernization and Clean Cars 4 All Programs

April 7, 2023 - Item #3 

Adopt Resolutions Recognizing Revenues for FY 2022-23 Community Air Protection Program and Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions and Reimburse General Fund for Administrative Costs

 March 3, 2023 - Item #5

Transfer Funds for Voucher Incentive Program and Appropriate Funds for Development of Carl Moyer Program Grant Management System

 December 2, 2022 - Item #6

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds for FY 2022-23 Carl Moyer Program and Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer and SOON Programs

October 7, 2022 - Item #7

Amend Contracts for Technical Assistance with Incentive Program Implementation and Carl Moyer Program Awards

April 1, 2022 - Item #6

Transfer Funds for the Development of the Carl Moyer Program Grant Management System

April 1, 2022 - Item #5

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds, Issue Program Announcements and Execute or Amend Contracts for Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Advanced Technology Goods Movement Equipment

January 7, 2022 - Item #2

Implement Carl Moyer, SOON, State Reserve, FARMER and Community Air Protection Programs by Recognizing Funds from CARB, Executing and Amending Contracts, and Reimbursing Administrative Costs

March 5, 2021 - Item #3 

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds for FY 2020-21 Carl Moyer Program and Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer and SOON Programs

January 8, 2021 - Item #4 


Implement Year 22 Carl Moyer, SOON, Rule 2202 AQIP, FARMER and Community Air Protection Programs by Recognizing Funds from CARB, Executing and Amending Contracts, and Reimbursing Administrative Costs


April 3, 2020 - Item # 7


Adopt Resolution Recognizing Revenue for Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions Program and Reimburse General Fund for Administrative Costs

March 6, 2020 - Item #3

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds for FY 2019-20 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision and Transfer Funds for Voucher Incentive Program

December 6, 2019 - Item #6

Adopt Resolution, Execute Contracts, Amend Awards, Transfer Funds and Reimburse Administrative Costs for Carl Moyer and Other Programs

 June 7, 2019 - Item #5


Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2018-19 Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reduction Program, Reimburse General Fund for Administrative Cost and Amend Awards

March 1, 2019 - Item #4

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2018-19 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, and Transfer Funds for Voucher Incentive Program

November 2, 2018 - Item #7

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds for FY 2017-18 Carl Moyer State Reserve Program, Execute Contracts for FY 2017-18 "Year 20" Carl Moyer Program, SOON Provision, and Community Air Protection AB 134 Program, Amend Awards, and Transfer Funds


June 1, 2018 - Item #5


Adopt Resolution Recognizing Revenue and Accepting Terms and Conditions for Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions Program and Reimburse General Fund for Administrative Costs

March 2, 2018 - Item #5

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2017-18 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, Transfer Funds for Voucher Incentive Program and Amend Contract

November 3, 2017 - Item #7

Execute Contracts for FY 2016-17 "Year 19" Carl Moyer Program, SOON Provision and AB 134 Carl Moyer Funding, and Transfer Funds for Carl Moyer Program and Voucher Incentive Program

April 7, 2017 - Item #6

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2016-17 Carl Moyer Program Award and Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision

October 7, 2016 - Item #7

Execute Contracts for FY 2015-16 "Year 18" Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision

March 4, 2016 - Item #7

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2015-16 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, Execute and Amend Contracts, and Amend SOON Provision Implementation Guidelines

October 2, 2015 - Item #8

Execute Contracts for FY 2014-15 "Year 17" Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision

March 6, 2015 - Item #3

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2014-15 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, and Execute and Amend Contracts

October 3, 2014 - Item #3

Execute Contracts for FY 2013-14 “Year 16” Carl Moyer Program and Issue Program Announcement for SOON Provision 

March 7, 2014 - Item #6

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2013-14 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Program Announcements for Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, and Execute and Amend Contracts

December 16, 2013 - Item #1

Transfer Funds for Voucher Incentive Program 

December 6, 2013 - Item #3

Execute Contracts to Conduct 2014 Lawn Mower Exchange Program

November 1, 2013 - Item #3

Execute and Amend Contracts under Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision and Execute Contracts for Technical Assistance

October 4, 2013 - Item #7

Execute Contracts for FY 2012-13 “Year 15” Carl Moyer Program and Transfer Funds

May 3, 2013 - Item #5

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Additional Funds for FY 2012-13 Carl Moyer Program, Execute and Amend Contracts under Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision and Transfer Funds

March 1, 2013 - Item #5 

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2012-13 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Carl Moyer Program Announcement for FY 2012-13 and Execute Contract

February 1, 2013 - Item #7

Amend Awards under Carl Moyer Program

December 7, 2012 - Item #6

Execute Contract to Electrify Gantry Cranes under Carl Moyer Program

October 5, 2012 - Item #6

Execute Contracts for FY 2011-12 “Year 14” Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, Transfer Funds and Amend Contract

June 1, 2012 - Item # 9

Transfer Funds from Clean Fuels Program Fund, Carl Moyer AB 923 Program Fund, and Proposition 1B Program Fund for Administrative Support and Related Activities

May 4, 2012 - Item #6

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2011-12 Carl Moyer Program and Reimburse the General Fund for Administrative Expenditures

April 6, 2012 - Item #6

Execute Contract to Purchase Global Positioning Systems and Acquire Monitoring Services

March 2, 2012 - Item #5

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Approving and Authorizing Application for FY2011-12 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Carl Moyer Program Announcement for FY2011-12, Execute Contracts under SOON Provision and Transfer Funds from Carl Moyer Fund to Voucher Incentive Program Fund

December 2, 2011 - Item #10

Issue RFP to Solicit Bids From Qualified Vendors to Purchase Global Positioning System Units and Transfer Funds to Carl Moyer Voucher Incentive Program

November 4, 2011 - Item #8

Execute Contracts for Technical Assistance for Advanced, Low- and Zero-Emission Mobile and Stationary Source Pollution Control Technologies under Clean Fuels, Carl Moyer and Proposition 1B Programs

October 7, 2011 - Item #7

Execute Contracts for FY 2010-11 “Year 13” Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, Amend Awards and Contracts under Carl Moyer Program and Approve Funding for Technical Assistance

July 8, 2011 - Item #14

Transfer Funds from Clean Fuels Program Fund, Carl Moyer Program AB 923 Fund, and Proposition 1B Program Fund for Administrative Support and Related Activities

July 8, 2011 - Item #13

Establish Voucher Incentive Program Fund, Transfer Existing Funds to New Fund Designated for Voucher Incentive Program, and Adopt Resolution Accepting Terms and Conditions for 2011 Multidistrict Award under “Year 13” On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Voucher Incentive Program

July 8, 2011 - Item #11

Execute Contracts under Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision

May 6, 2011 - Item #9

Execute Contract Under Carl Moyer Program and Issue Program Announcement for SOON Provision

March 4, 2011 - Item #8

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2010-11 Carl Moyer Program Award, Issue Carl Moyer Program Announcement for FY 2010-11, and Amend and Execute Contracts under Carl Moyer and SOON Provision

December 3, 2010 - Item #12

Change Funding Source in Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision Contracts and Awards Between AB 923 and SB 1107 Funds

October 1, 2010 - Item #14

Execute Contracts for FY 2009-10 "Year 12" Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, Amend Carl Moyer Program Awards and Issue Program Announcement for SOON Provision

September 10, 2010 - Item #8

Transfer Funds from Clean Fuels Program Fund, Carl Moyer Program Fund AB 923 Account, and Proposition 1B Program Fund for Administrative Support and Related Activities

July 9, 2010 - Item #6

Adopt Resolution Accepting Terms and Conditions for 2010 Multidistrict Award under On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Voucher Incentive Program (Year 12) and Approve Match Funds to CARB Funds

July 9, 2010 - Item #7

Execute Contract for FY 2009-10 “Year 12” Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

June 4, 2010 - Item #10

Execute Contracts and Amend Award under Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision and Recognize Funds from U.S. EPA

April 2, 2010 - Item #5

Execute Contracts for FY 2008-09 “Year 11” Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision and Amend Award under Carl Moyer Program

February 5, 2010 - Item #17

Adopt Resolution Recognizing Funds and Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2009-10 Carl Moyer Program Award and Issue Carl Moyer Program Announcement for FY 2009-10

February 5, 2010 - Item #16

Execute Contracts for FY 2008-09 “Year 11” Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Provision of State In-Use Off-Road Vehicle Regulation

November 6, 2009 - Item #11

Amend Two Contracts and Execute Three New Contracts under Carl Moyer Program

November 6, 2009 - Item #4

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program

October 2, 2009 - Item #11

Issue Carl Moyer Program Announcement for FY 2008-09

October 2, 2009 - Item #10

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program

September 11, 2009 - Item #5

Execute Contracts for FY 2008-09 “Year 11” Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Provision of State In-Use Off-Road Vehicle Regulation

July 10, 2009 - Item #10

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program

July 10, 2009 - Item #9

Execute Contracts for FY 2008-09 “Year 11” Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program, and Issue Program Announcement for Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Provision

July 10, 2009 - Item #7

Transfer Funds from Clean Fuels Program Fund and Carl Moyer Program Fund AB 923 Account to FY 2009-10 Budget of Science & Technology Advancement to Support Administrative, Outreach, Education and Other Directly-Related Activities

June 5, 2009 - Item #11

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program and Switch Source of Funds in Carl Moyer Program Contracts Between SB 1107 Funds and AB 923 and AB 923 Interest Funds

May 1, 2009 - Item #4

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program, Extend Fleet Modernization Program Announcement Deadline and Switch Source of Funds in Carl Moyer Program Contracts Between SB 1107 and AB 923 Accounts

April 3, 2009 - Item #8

Recognize Additional Funds under “Year 10” Carl Moyer Program, Amend Awards under Carl Moyer Program and SOON Provision, and Execute Contract under “Year 10”Carl Moyer Program

March 6, 2009 - Item #7

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts Under Carl Moyer Program

February 6, 2009 - Item #8

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts Under Carl Moyer Program

February 6, 2009 - Item #5

Adopt Resolution Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2008-09 Carl Moyer Program Award and Recognizing Funds, Issue Carl Moyer Program Announcement for FY 2008-09 and Amend Award under Carl Moyer Program

February 6, 2009 - Item #3

Execute Contracts for Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Provision of State In-Use Off-Road Vehicle Regulation

November 7, 2008 - Item #7

Issue Program Announcement for Agricultural Assistance Portion of Carl Moyer Program Announcement

November 7, 2008 - Item #6

Execute Contracts under Carl Moyer Truck Fleet Modernization Program

November 7, 2008 - Item #4

Execute Contracts for FY 2007-08 “Year Ten” Carl Moyer Program and Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Provision and Issue Program Announcement for Cleaner Off-Road Diesel Vehicles

October 3, 2008 - Item #5

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program

October 3, 2008 - Item #4

Execute Contracts for FY 2007-08 “Year Ten” Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Provision of State In-Use Off-Road Vehicle Regulation

September 5, 2008 - Item #9

Recognize Funds from CARB and Execute Contracts Under Carl Moyer Multi-District Program and Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Provision of State In-Use Off-Road Vehicle Regulation

September 5, 2008 - Item #8

Execute Contracts under Carl Moyer Fleet Modernization Program

July 11, 2008 - Item #15

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program

July 11, 2008 - Item #9

Execute Contracts for FY 2007-08 "Year Ten" Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Provision of State In-Use Off-Road Vehicle Regulation

June 6, 2008 - Item #7

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program and Transfer Carl Moyer Program Funds to Clean Fuels Fund to Fund Backup Projects

May 2, 2008 - Item #6

Amend Contracts for FY 2005-06 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Issue Program Announcement for Cleaner Off-Road Diesel Vehicles

May 2, 2008 - Item #5

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program

April 4, 2008 - Item #10

Issue Fleet Modernization Program Announcement for “Year 9” Carl Moyer Program and Adopt Resolution Recognizing Carl Moyer Program “Year 10” Funds

March 7, 2008 - Item #6

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Program and Transfer Carl Moyer Program Funds to Clean Fuels Fund to Fund Backup Projects

February 1, 2008 - Item #4

Adopt Resolution Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2007-08 Carl Moyer Program Award, and Issue Carl Moyer Program Announcement for FY 2007-08

January 4, 2008 - Item #3

Execute Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for the Carl Moyer Program

October 5, 2007 - Item #10

Execute Contracts for FY 2006-07 Year Nine Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program, and Transfer Clean Fuels Projects to Carl Moyer Fund

July 13, 2007 - Item #4

Recognize Funds from CARB and Execute Contracts Under Carl Moyer Multi-District Program, Execute Contracts Under “Year 9” Carl Moyer Program with Moyer Program Funds and Clean Fuels Funds as Backup, and Transfer Clean Fuels Projects to Carl Moyer Fund

June 1, 2007 - Item #5

Execute Contract to Purchase Global Positioning Systems and Acquire Monitoring Services

April 6, 2007 - Item #12

Execute Construction Equipment and Truck Fleet Modernization Contracts for Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

February 2, 2007 - Item #11

Issue Carl Moyer Program Announcement for FY 2006-07

February 3, 2006 - Item #10

Adopt Resolution Accepting Terms and Conditions for FY 2005-06 Carl Moyer Program Award and Issue RFP

February 3, 2006 - Item #6

Execute Contracts for FY 2004-05 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Modify Previous Award and Amend Existing Contract under FY 2003-04 Carl Moyer Program

July 8, 2005 - Item #5

Approve Carl Moyer Program Guideline under SB1107 and AB923 and Issue Program RFP for FY 2004-05, and Amend Three Contracts and Execute Contract for FY 2003-04 Carl Moyer Program

April 1, 2005 - Item #7

Execute Contracts Under State Emissions Mitigation Program (This action was to de-obligate funds for Board approved locomotive and construction equipment projects under the Rule 2202 AQIP and Carl Moyer programs, and fund the same projects using $1,463,317 from the State Emissions Mitigation Fund.)

March 4, 2005 - Item #5

Execute Contracts for FY 2003–04 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Adopt Policy for Contractors Submitting False Data

March 5, 2004 - Item #38

Approve Expenditure of Clean Fuel Funds for Testing Gasoline-Hybrid Transit Buses and Retrofits of Oceangoing Vessels

February 4, 2005 - Item #4

Approve Establishment of Revenue/Expenditure Accounts with Carl Moyer Fund and Program Allocations under AB 923 for Calendar Years 2005 and 2006, and Adopt Resolution Accepting Terms and Conditions of 2005 Carl Moyer Program Award

August 6, 2004 - Item #9

Amend Seven Contracts and Execute Contract for FY 2002-03 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Issue an RFP for 2004 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program.

March 5, 2004 - Item #7

Execute Contracts for FY 2002-03 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program Using Carl Moyer and Clean Fuels Funds.

August 1, 2003 - Item #8

Solicit Projects for FY 2002-03 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program Funding

February 7, 2003 - Item #5

Execute Contracts for FY 2001-02 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Executive Officer's Mitigation Program

October 4, 2002 - Item #4

Execute Contracts for On-Road and Marine Categories Under FY 2001-02 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

June 7, 2002 - Item #3

Execute Contracts and Reissue RFP for On-Road and Off-Road Categories Under FY 2001-02 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

May 19, 2000 - Item #11

Execute Contracts for Class 7 & 8 On-Road Trucks Projects Awarded Under Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

August 13, 1999 - Item #23

Execute Contracts for On-Road Clean Fuel Projects Awarded Under Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

September 10, 1999 - Item #7

Execute Contracts for On- and Off-Road Projects Awarded Under Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program


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