
RECLAIM NOx Allocation Reduction

On January 7, 2005, the South Coast AQMD Governing Board adopted several changes to the REgional CLean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) program.  Among other amendments, the changes will result in cumulative reductions of 7.7 tons per day, or more than 20 percent reduction, of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from all RECLAIM facilities by 2011. The reductions are to be implemented in phases (4 tons per day in 2007 and 0.925 tons per day in each of the following four years, 2008-2011). For more details on all the adopted changes to the RECLAIM program, please consult the rule amendment package.

To implement the reductions of NOx RTC allocations and holdings, the South Coast AQMD will first process all trades involving NOx RECLAIM Trading Credits (RTCs) valid for Compliance Year 2007 and after and submitted with a postmark date prior to the January 7, 2005 effective date of Governing Board action. However, all NOx RECLAIM trades for Compliance Year 2007 and after postmarked on or after January 7, 2005, will not be processed until after the Board-approved reductions in NOx allocations and holdings are made from all companies holding NOx RTCs. Facilities, persons, and/or entities that hold NOx RTCs for Compliance Year 2007 and after will be notified shortly of the pending  reductions of the affected NOx RTCs.  An informational public workshop is scheduled on February 2, 2005 in the Auditorium at the South Coast AQMD Headquarters.  For any questions regarding this matter, please call the RECLAIM hotline at 909-396-3119 or e-mail to [email protected].

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