
Funding Opportunities to Help You Go Electric

Residential Lawn Mower Rebate Program:
South Coast AQMD has a year-round program that provides up to $250 toward the cost of a battery-powered lawn mower for eligible applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants must turn in their older, gasoline-powered lawn mower to an approved dismantler to receive a rebate. For additional information, please visit:

Voucher Incentive Program (VIP):
The truck replacement program is for small on-road truck fleets (of 10 or fewer vehicles) to upgrade their older polluting heavy-duty diesel trucks with new technologies. The program provides up to $160,000 towards the replacement of older heavy-duty diesel trucks with newer, near-zero emission models and up to $410,000 towards the purchase of zero-emission trucks. Funding is still available under VIP, and applications are currently being accepted. For additional information, please visit:

Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Program:
South Coast AQMD’s program provides up to $250 towards the purchase of residential EV chargers on a first-come, first-served basis. Low-income residents are eligible for a total rebate of $500. For a list of requirements and additional information, please call 833-760-0651 or email questions to [email protected]

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765


© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District