Permitting Working Group Meetings
The Permitting Working Group meets periodically to host discussion on permitting issues around a specific industry or source. These meetings are intended to be stakeholder led to provide a working open forum to improve transparency and identify potential best practices in drafting permitting conditions to further the permit streamlining goals of improving the quality of initial incoming permit applications and smoother application processing timelines.
Permitting Working Group Meeting
Focus: Online Forms
March 13, 2025, 9:30 a.m., GB Conference Room
Zoom Webinar Meeting
Permitting Working Group Meeting
Focus: New Health Risk Assessment Tool and Rule 317.1 Exclusion Plans
October 25, 2024, 9:30 a.m., GB Conference Room
Zoom Webinar Meeting
Presentation 10-25-2024 (pdf, 618kb)
Emissions Calculator Spreadsheet Presentation (pdf, 551kb)
Emissions Calculator and HRA Tool Examples (zip, 765kb)
Permitting Working Group Meeting
Focus: Waste Management Industry
June 18, 2024, 2:00 p.m., GB Conference Room
Zoom Webinar Meeting
Presentation 06-18-2024 (pdf, 663kb)
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