Program Highlights
The AB 617 Private School Air Filtration Program provides incentive funds for air filtration systems in private K-12 schools and private daycare facilities within AB 617 Communities. These systems can reduce children's exposure to Diesel Particulate Matter and other harmful air pollutants. Program funding is from Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs), community-based projects that result from settlements.
Private School Air Filtration Projects
In May 2022, the South Coast AQMD Board approved up to $1,275,000 to install and maintain air filtration systems in private K-12 schools and private daycare facilities within AB 617 Communities, including:
With the help of selected vendors, South Coast AQMD successfully deployed over 1,000 air filtration units and five years of replacement filters to 180 schools in the above AB 617 Communities. South Coast AQMD continues to work with these communities, CARB, and US EPA to identify funding opportunities for air filtration projects.
Private School Air Filtration Projects by AB 617 Community
Outreach Events and Presentations
School of Santa Isabel Installation Event
AB 617 Community Steering Committee Presentation
Contact Information
Please submit comments and questions to ab617@[email protected].