
Year 1 CAPP Incentives

Year 1 CAPP Incentives

In September 2017, the Governor signed AB 134, which provided $250 million statewide to support early actions to benefit disadvantaged and low-income communities.  Of these funds, the South Coast AQMD received $107.5 million, including 6.25% for administrative costs.  These funds were allocated to reduce emissions from mobile source projects eligible through the Carl Moyer Program, with up to 40% for clean truck projects meeting the criteria of the Proposition 1B-Goods Movement Program, in disadvantaged and low-income communities.  The South Coast AQMD sought input from communities throughout the air district to share information about AB 134, identify potential projects and prioritize funding proposals for final selection.  The projects that South Coast AQMD awarded through AB 134 included 73% of the funds being spent in SB 535 disadvantaged communitiesLink to external website. and 87% in AB 1550 communitiesLink to external website., which exceeded the statewide goals of 70% and 80%, respectively.  To view a list of applications received and final selection of projects, please click below:

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



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