
Year 2 CAPP Incentives

Year 2 CAPP Incentives

In 2018, the Governor signed SB 856 which provided $245 million statewide to support incentive projects that support the goals of AB 617.  These incentive funds have been distributed by CARB to air districts for projects that are eligible under the following actions:

  • Community-identified projects/programs in an approved Community Emissions Reduction Plan (CERP)
  • Mobile source projects eligible through the Carl Moyer Program, Proposition 1B-Goods Movement Program, or Community Air Protection Incentives 2019 Guidelines approved by CARB
  • Zero-emission charging infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty vehicle infrastructure
  • Stationary source projects that meet the specified eligibility requirements

Projects that reduce emissions must result in reductions above and beyond those required by law or regulation.  The funds will be targeted with a priority for emissions reductions in communities most impacted by cumulative pollution burden, and a focus on vehicles, equipment and infrastructure that operate in and around any AB 617 community selected by CARB or under consideration for future selection.  The incentive funds are expected to meet or exceed the statewide targets for benefits to priority communities including no less than 70% of the funds for projects in SB 535 communitiesLink to external website. and 80% of funds for projects in AB 1550 communitiesLink to external website..

For Year 2 CAPP Incentives, the South Coast AQMD received $85,570,000, including 6.25% for administrative costs.  In March 2019, the South Coast AQMD released a Program Announcement (PA) to solicit eligible projects under the Carl Moyer Program and CAPP.  The South Coast AQMD conducted enhanced outreach efforts for this PA, with particular focus on the AB 617 Year 1 communities.  The South Coast AQMD received more funding requests than available funding, including both the Carl Moyer Program and Year 2 CAPP incentive funds.  For a list of the applications received and proposed awards, please click below:

If you have any comments or questions regarding the proposed awards, please submit them using the form below.

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CAPP Incentives
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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



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