South Coast AQMD is working with members of industry, academia, and other regulatory agencies to address issues with laboratory VOC test methods. Most regulations rely upon a gravimetric analysis using either EPA Reference Method 24
or South Coast AQMD Laboratory Method 304 (PDF). There are inherent uncertainties to these tests when the VOC content of the material being tested approaches zero. South Coast AQMD and most industry laboratories have switched to direct Gas Chromatography (GC) method, either ASTM D 6886
or South Coast AQMD Laboratory Method 313 (PDF)(M313). GC methods can precisely and accurately measure the volatile components of many different materials, but this change brings fundamental questions about how to define and regulate VOCs. This working group was formed to help update M313 and address the question of how to define a VOC.
South Coast AQMD Method 313 & Exclusion Pathway
South Coast AQMD Draft M313 (PDF, 310kb) - released 11/16/16
South Coast AQMD Draft M319 (PDF, 350kb) - released 02/21/2020
Draft Flowchart For Exclusion Pathway (PDF, 117kb) - released 06/17/15
Draft Guidance - Preliminary Exclusion Pathway for Early Eluting non-Volatile (EENV) Compounds (PDF, 435kb) - released 04/30/14
During the June 17, 2015 PAR1113 Working Group Meeting the VOC Test Method 313 and the Exclusion Pathway for Early Eluding Semi-Volatile Compounds were discussed. South Coast AQMD staff presented a technique to compare the volatility of the compounds of interest to Methyl Palmitate. The technique uses measured vapor pressures, or where measured vapor pressures are not available, modeled vapor pressures based on the U.S. EPA EPI Suite. The following document contains the list of compounds evaluated. Uncertainties in modeled values, shown with error bars, must be considered when comparing modeled vapor pressures to the vapor pressure of Methyl Palmitate.
Measured & Modeled Vapor Pressure Charts (PDF, 323kb)
In addition, staff discussed the concept of VOCs, intermediate VOCs (iVOCs), and semi-volatile VOCs (sVOCs) and their contribution to ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation. The following published papers contain further discussions on those concepts.
A Global Perspective on Aerosol from low-Volatility Organic Compounds
(PDF, 1.3MB) - released 05/12/2010, open source: full-text version available online
Rethinking Organic Aerosols: Semi-Volatile Emissions and Photochemical Aging
(PDF, 374kb) - released 03/02/2007, sign up for a free account to request the full-text version
Intermediate-Volatility Organic Compounds: A Large Source of Secondary Organic Aerosol
(PDF, 1.6MB) - released 12/02/2014, copyright 2014 ACS, $35 for 48 hours of access
Working Group Meetings, Presentations & Supporting Documents
November 16, 2016
Cal and Processing Template V 1.5 (XLSM, 405kb)
Chemstation Enviroquant Installation (PDF, 340kb)
Example Tune Evaluation (PDF, 97kb)
Measured Sample Values (PDF, 13kb)
November 4, 2016
Phase Two Guide (PDF, 282kb)
Mass Spectrometer Tuning Guide (PDF, 4.36MB)
Calibration & Processing Guide (PDF, 1.62MB)
Example Calibration Set (PDF, 123kb)
August 12, 2016
Discrete GC-MS Parameters< (PDF, 219kb)
Discrete GC-FID Parameters (PDF, 282kb)
July 27, 2016
Updated Prep + Discrimination Template (XLS, 80kb)
July 7, 2016
July 7th Meeting Notes (PDF, 228kb)
July 7th Lab Tour Presentations (PDF, 6.71MB)
June 2, 2016
June 2nd Meeting Notes (PDF, 328kb)
May 25, 2016
May 25th Meeting Notes (PDF, 261kb)
May 25th, 2016 VOC Working Group Agenda (PDF, 227kb)
Pilot Test Guide - Phase One (PDF, 330kb)
M313 Instrument Configuration Guide (PDF, 438kb)
Instrument Optimization Mix (IOM) - Prep Guide (PDF, 530kb)
Prep + Discrimination Template (XLS, 79kb)
IOM Preparation Example (PDF, 97kb)
IOM Discrimination Example (PDF, 160kb)
IOM LOD Example (PDF, 88kb)
ACA Pilot Test Comments (PDF, 193kb)
Dane Jones Pilot Test Comments (PDF, 10kb)
August 26, 2015
Method 313 Validation (PDF, 230kb)
Exclusion Method Matrix (PDF, 229kb)
Method 313/ASTM D 6886 Comparison (PDF, 235kb)
June 17, 2015
VOC Modeling Presentation (PDF, 3.6MB)
Test Method Presentation - Neat Study (PDF, 773kb)
Test Method Presentation - Film Spike (PDF, 516kb)
March 25, 2015
VOC Working Group Presentation (PDF, 393kb)
February 19, 2015
VOC Working Group Presentation (PDF, 350kb)
October 30, 2014
Cal Poly SLO Presentation (PDF, 1.4MB)
Taminco Presentation (PDF, 1.7MB)
ACA Comments (PDF, 29kb)
June 5, 2014
Cal Poly SLO Presentation (PDF, 926kb)
ACA Comments EENV (PDF, 1.1MB)
February 27, 2014
South Coast AQMD Presentation (PDF, 144kb)
Taminco Presentation (PDF, 492kb)
Film Extraction by Cal Poly San Louis Obispo (PDF, 728kb)
October 30, 2013
South Coast AQMD Presentation (PDF, 675kb)
Taminco Presentation (PDF, 804kb)
Film Extraction by Cal Poly San Louis Obispo (PDF, 48kb)
September 5, 2013
Presentation (PDF, 506kb)
Working Group Meetings During the 2013 Rule 1113 Amendment
June 20, 2013 - Public Workshop
VOC Test Methodology Presentation (PDF, 567kb)
Working Group Meetings During the 2011 Rule 1113 Amendment
January 20, 2010 - Public Workshop
VOC Test Methodology Presentation (PDF, 900kb)
November 18, 2010 - Working Group Meeting
VOC Testing Methodology Presentation (PDF, 400kb)
September 16, 2010- Working Group Meeting
VOC Testing Methodology Presentation (PDF, 3.8MB)
Archival Documents
Draft South Coast AQMD Method 313 (PDF, 276kb) - released 08/14/13
Draft South Coast AQMD Method 313 (PDF, 970kb) - released 05/23/16
Draft Flowchart for Exclusion Pathway (PDF, 117kb) - released 03/25/15
Other VOC Test Methods
During the development of South Coast AQMD Rule 1144 (PDF)- Metalworking Fluids and Direct-Contact Lubricants, a laboratory subcommittee was convened to address the issue of determining the VOC content of semi-volatile fluids. The result of the partnership between the South Coast AQMD and industry resulted in the development of ASTM E 1868
. The South Coast AQMD also developed these further requirements (PDF) to accompany the ASTM method to further enhance the quality assurance/quality control.
All South Coast AQMD laboratory methods can be found HERE.