In the recent review of South Coast AQMD socioeconomic assessment, the independent reviewer Abt Associates recommended South Coast AQMD staff to conduct a systematic literature review and expand upon the existing analysis of environmental justice (EJ).
This group will be tasked with reviewing recommendations for potential environmental justice analyses to be conducted in the Socioeconomic Assessment of the 2016 AQMP. Industrial Economics, Inc. is under contract to review recent environmental justice studies and analyses in order to recommend best practices for the Socioeconomic Assessment. We believe stakeholder input will help us develop the most applicable approach for our region.
Working Group Members (PDF, 276kb)
Statement of Work (PDF, 285kb)
Follow Up Materials for Working Group #3 - October 14, 2016
Working Group Meeting #3 - September 27, 2016
AGENDA (printer friendly; PDF, 95kb)
Welcome and Self-Introductions
Revised Alternative EJ Definitions and EJ Screening Maps
Impact of the Draft 2016 AQMP on Community Health Risk Distribution
Open Discussion
Working Group Meeting #2 - May 11, 2016
AGENDA (printer friendly; PDF, 283kb)
Working Group Meeting #1 - April 14, 2016
printer friendly; PDF, 287kb)